Moving On Up

Well, this is it. I’ve kept quiet for long enough that I can’t keep it in any longer. This will be the first time I have revealed this secret to anyone. My family nor any of my friends have been informed of my secret search and finding. Since mostly my friends and family are the only ones who read my blog, I thought I would let the secret out publicly to everyone.

As most of my close friends and family know, I have been wanting to move out of Florida for a few years. I’m a native Floridian of 38 years and have felt it time to see a change of scenery outside the southeast. Since 2003, I have been visiting one of my friends in Brooklyn at least twice a year, so for the past two years or so I have had the intention of moving to New York. Well, that has changed.

More information that my friends and family know is that I was unemployed for a few months last summer. During that time, toward the end of my severance, I began submitting my resume to companies outside of Florida; again, something I kept private. Some of those companies I submitted my resume to were located in California. San Francisco and the Los Angeles area were two other city choices I wanted to move to outside of New York. Well, after more than 6 months, and two jobs later, I finally got a bite from a company outside of San Francisco recently. I got a call from an HR recruiter from this company a few days ago and we both have exchange emails and phone calls since then trying to arrange interviews. I had my phone interview last Friday with the recruiter and another HR person. The phone interview must have gone pretty well, even though I was nervous and felt it didn’t go so well. I got an email late last night from the recruiter stating that he wanted to schedule a face-to-face interview next week. I don’t know the details completely yet but I will be flying to San Francisco for a couple of days, maybe more, for the interview, all expenses paid by the company.

I don’t know about you but this sounds extremely promising to me if they are paying for the trip for the interview. What is even better is that I have the week off from work next week. Perfect timing. I’m super excited. This is something I have been hoping and praying would come along for the past two years. I haven’t told my roommate yet, and I know she doesn’t read my blog, so I will be informing her tonight. It should be an interesting conversation.

I hope to be speaking more with HR today on the exact details of the trip and interview.

Happy April Fools Day!

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